
10月27日、リトアニアにて議会選挙(一院制、小選挙区比例代表並立制)の決選投票が実施された。13日に行われた第1回投票と合わせて、中道左派の野党・社会民主党(LSDP)が141議席中52議席を獲得して第一党に躍進したが、過半数には届かなかった。他方、中道右派のシモニテ首相率いる与党・祖国同盟(TS-LKD)は、50議席から28議席へと議席を大幅に減らす結果となった。シモニテ政権は、所得の伸び率が2桁台に達し、物価上昇率もEU加盟国中で最低水準に抑えるなど、経済面で成果をあげてきたものの、医療サービスの悪化や経済格差の拡大などへの不満が高まり、近年徐々に支持率を低下させていた。第三党には、ポピュリズム政党とも形容される新興政党ネムノ・アウシュラ(Nemuno Aušra)が入り、20議席を獲得した。社会民主党は同党との連携を否定しており、中道左派政党である民主連合「リトアニアのために」(DSVL、14議席)および農民・グリーン同盟(LVŽS、8議席)との連立が予想される。連立が成立すれば、祖国同盟から社会民主党への政権交代がなされるが、祖国同盟と社会民主党の間では対ロシア政策や防衛費に関する相違は小さく、リトアニアの厳しい対ロ姿勢に変化はないと見られる。
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Yusuke Ishikawa Research Fellow/Digital Communications Officer
Yusuke Ishikawa is a Research Fellow and Digital Communications Officer at Asia Pacific Initiative (API) and Institute of Geoeconomics (IOG). His research focuses on European comparative politics, democratic backsliding, and anti-corruption. He has published multiple commentaries and videos on European politics, such as elections in V4 countries, Hungarian politics and foreign policy, and corruption in Ukraine, for internal and external outlets. At API, as a digital communications officer, he is also responsible for the planning and management of the website and SNS (especially YouTube and LinkedIn). In addition to his research and PR-related roles, he previously worked as an intern for the Fukushima Nuclear Accident project and Abe administration project (Oct 2020 – Jan 2021), as a research assistant for CPTPP program (Jan 2021 – Jun 2022), and as a research associate for IOG’s Europe & Americas group and a translation project of the book “Critical Review of the Abe Administration” (Bungei Shunju, 2022) into English and Chinese (Jul 2022 – Jul 2024). Prior to joining API, he worked as a full-time research intern at Transparency International Hungary on a project to measure and interview concerned parties on the transparency of major banks in Hungary. This research was funded by Central European University (ISP Remote Internship Fund). He has also worked as a part-time consultant at Transparency International Defense & Security in the UK for Defense Companies Anti-Corruption Index. He received his BA in Political Science from Meiji University, MA in Corruption and Governance (with Distinction) from the University of Sussex, and another MA in Political Science from Central European University. During his BA and MAs, he also acquired teacher’s licenses in social studies in secondary education and a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language) certificate. [Concurrent Positions] External contributor consultant, Anti-Corruption Helpdesk, Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S)
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Yusuke Ishikawa

Research Fellow,
Digital Communications Officer

Yusuke Ishikawa is a Research Fellow and Digital Communications Officer at Asia Pacific Initiative (API) and Institute of Geoeconomics (IOG). His research focuses on European comparative politics, democratic backsliding, and anti-corruption. He has published multiple commentaries and videos on European politics, such as elections in V4 countries, Hungarian politics and foreign policy, and corruption in Ukraine, for internal and external outlets. At API, as a digital communications officer, he is also responsible for the planning and management of the website and SNS (especially YouTube and LinkedIn). In addition to his research and PR-related roles, he previously worked as an intern for the Fukushima Nuclear Accident project and Abe administration project (Oct 2020 – Jan 2021), as a research assistant for CPTPP program (Jan 2021 – Jun 2022), and as a research associate for IOG’s Europe & Americas group and a translation project of the book “Critical Review of the Abe Administration” (Bungei Shunju, 2022) into English and Chinese (Jul 2022 – Jul 2024). Prior to joining API, he worked as a full-time research intern at Transparency International Hungary on a project to measure and interview concerned parties on the transparency of major banks in Hungary. This research was funded by Central European University (ISP Remote Internship Fund). He has also worked as a part-time consultant at Transparency International Defense & Security in the UK for Defense Companies Anti-Corruption Index. He received his BA in Political Science from Meiji University, MA in Corruption and Governance (with Distinction) from the University of Sussex, and another MA in Political Science from Central European University. During his BA and MAs, he also acquired teacher’s licenses in social studies in secondary education and a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language) certificate. [Concurrent Positions] External contributor consultant, Anti-Corruption Helpdesk, Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S)

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