Experts Yusuke Ishikawa
At API, as a digital communications officer, he is also responsible for the planning and management of the website and SNS (especially YouTube and LinkedIn). In addition to his research and PR-related roles, he previously worked as an intern for the Fukushima Nuclear Accident project and Abe administration project (Oct 2020 – Jan 2021), as a research assistant for CPTPP program (Jan 2021 – Jun 2022), and as a research associate for IOG’s Europe & Americas group and a translation project of the book “Critical Review of the Abe Administration” (Bungei Shunju, 2022) into English and Chinese (Jul 2022 – Jul 2024).
Prior to joining API, he worked as a full-time research intern at Transparency International Hungary on a project to measure and interview concerned parties on the transparency of major banks in Hungary. This research was funded by Central European University (ISP Remote Internship Fund). He has also worked as a part-time consultant at Transparency International Defense & Security in the UK for Defense Companies Anti-Corruption Index.
He received his BA in Political Science from Meiji University, MA in Corruption and Governance (with Distinction) from the University of Sussex, and another MA in Political Science from Central European University. During his BA and MAs, he also acquired teacher’s licenses in social studies in secondary education and a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language) certificate.
[Concurrent Positions]
External contributor consultant, Anti-Corruption Helpdesk, Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S)
Book chapter
“NGOs, Advocacy, and Anti-Corruption”. In R. Bratu and J. Pozsgai-Alvarez. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Anti-Corruption Research and Practice. London: Routledge, forthcoming.
“A Dangerous Confluence: The Intertwined Crises of Disinformation and Democracies” (co-authored with Marina Fujita Dickson and Sara Kaizuka). Institute of Geoeconomics, November 20, 2024, p.1-82.
“Anti-Corruption Awareness Raising: Effective Messages and Best Practices“. U4 Helpdesk Answer 2024:21, p.1-24.
“Research Internship Report: Bank Transparency in Hungary,” Transparency International Hungary, 2020, p.1-89.
Peer reviewed journal articles
“Anti-Corruption NGOs as Think Tanks: The Effect of Transparency International UK on the UK Bribery Act 2010“. Politikon: The IAPSS Journal of Political Science 51, 2021, p.4–16.
““G-PACS”: Process of Development and Effects of Political Simulation Games”. PanSIG Journal, 2018, p.75-80.
Book reviews
“Book Review: Oyamada, E., ‘Corruption and Development – New Challenges in Anti-Corruption in Developing Countries’, Akashi Shoten, 2019, 344p”. Asian and African Area Studies 19 (2), 2020, p. 207-209 [in Japanese].
- Yusuke Ishikawa, “Populist Pathways: Corruption and Democratic Backsliding in Central Europe“, IPSA (International Political Science Association) 75th Anniversary Conference , September 11-13, 2024.
- Marina Dickson, Yusuke Ishikawa, and Sara Kaizuka, “Democracies Degraded by Disinformation: Lessons from Hungary, the US, and the UK”, IAFOR The 15th Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, May 25, 2024.
- Yusuke Ishikawa, “NGO’s Approaches to Measure the Transparency and Quality of Anti-Corruption Policies and Procedures”, First Annual Meeting of the UNCAC Coalition, November 28, 2020.
- Yusuke Ishikawa,”Why anti-corruption does not work? Empirical evidence across the world”, CEU Open House 2019 – The roundtable discussion with Department of Political Science, November 22, 2019.
Media Coverage
- “Es erinnert viele an Trump: Populisten rütteln an Japans politischer Stabilität (It reminds many of Trump: populists shake up Japan’s political stability)“, Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), December 3, 2024.
- “O acontecimento internacional de 2024: a hesitação democrática pelo mundo, no ano de todas as eleições (The international event of 2024: democratic hesitation around the world in the year of all elections)“, Expresso, December 26, 2024.

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Research Fellow
Yusuke Ishikawa

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Research Fellow
Yusuke Ishikawa

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Yusuke Ishikawa

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Research Fellow
Yusuke Ishikawa

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Research Fellow
Yusuke Ishikawa