Geoeconomic Briefing

Research Activities
Geoeconomic Briefing

Geoeconomic Briefing is a series featuring researchers at the IOG focused on Japan’s challenges in that field. It will also provide analyses of the state of the world and trade risks as well as technological and industrial structures. (Editor-in-chief: Dr. SUZUKI Kazuto, Director, Institute of Geoeconomics (IOG); Professor, The University of Tokyo)
War in Ukraine highlights importance of cutting-edge technology in conflict

KURUMADA Shuichi Visiting Fellow, Asia Pacif…

In dealing with Beijing, Tokyo must adopt a strong security front

With Japan facing a challenging regional secu…

Senior Research Fellow

Hirohito Ogi

New national security strategy needs to respond to realities on three fronts

【Author】Sadamasa Oue Consulting Senior Fellow…

As war in Ukraine continues, Poland and Hungary threaten EU stability

As Russia’s war on Ukraine drags on, the soli…

Research Fellow

Yusuke Ishikawa

Politics and Economics
The populism trap that is throwing U.K. politics into chaos

On Oct. 25, Rishi Sunak became the new prime …

Group Head, Europe & Americas

Yuichi Hosoya

Impact of the war in Ukraine sees Japan at the mercy of bigger players

Due to Ukraine’s remarkable counteroffensive,…

Senior Research Fellow

Hirohito Ogi

Economic Security
Japanese carmakers face continuing risks in the Russian market

Ever since the era of the Cold War, when auto…

Senior Research Fellow

Hitoshi Suzuki

How can Japan engage with Pacific nations amid U.S.-China competition?

KURUMADA Shuichi Visiting Fellow, Asia Pacif…

How the Taiwan issue represents the U.S. and China’s battle for legitimacy

When U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited …

Senior Fellow & Group Head, China

Naoko Eto

China faces challenges in wake of Pelosi’s Taiwan visit

YAMAGUCHI Shinji Project researcher, Institu…


Kazuto Suzuki

Director & Group Head, Economic Security,

Kazuto Suzuki is Professor of Science and Technology Policy at the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Tokyo, Japan. He graduated from the Department of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University, and received his Ph.D. from Sussex European Institute, University of Sussex, England. He has worked for the Fondation pour la recherche stratégique in Paris, France as an assistant researcher, as an Associate Professor at the University of Tsukuba from 2000 to 2008, and served as Professor of International Politics at Hokkaido University until 2020. He also spent one year at the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University from 2012 to 2013 as a visiting researcher. He served as an expert in the Panel of Experts for Iranian Sanction Committee under the United Nations Security Council from 2013 to July 2015. He has been the President of the Japan Association of International Security and Trade. [Concurrent Position] Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo

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