Special Futures

Considering a Taiwan Crisis

While some argue the possibility of the PRC’s military invasion of Taiwan, others question the PRC’s capability of such an invasion. Where does the truth lie? How is the world trying to face this issue? How should Japan deal with it?

On the Special Features page, we discuss it in the Geoeconomics Briefing, the Geoeconomics Insight, and studies by our researchers in addition to other related documents.


  • Paul Nadeau
    Visiting Research Fellow
    Paul Nadeau is an adjunct assistant professor at Temple University's Japan campus, co-founder & editor of Tokyo Review, and an adjunct fellow…
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  • Naoko Eto
    Senior Fellow & Group Head, China
    ETO Naoko is Professor at the Department of Political Science, Gakushuin University. Her main research interests include contemporary Chinese politics…
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  • Hirohito Ogi
    Senior Research Fellow
    Hirohito Ogi is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Geoeconomics (IOG) studying military strategy and Japan’s defense policy. Before joining …
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  • Hitoshi Suzuki
    Senior Research Fellow /COO, LLC future mobiliTy research
    SUZUKI Hitoshi (PhD) was Associate Professor at the Graduate School of International Studies and Regional Development, University of Niigata Prefectur…
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