Experts Naoko Eto
[Concurrent Position]
Professor, Department of Political Science, Gakushuin University
Japan in the Context of Chinese Nationalism: The Transformation of“Patriotism” and the Issue of Differing Historical Perspectives (in Japanese, Keiso Shobo, 2014)
“Japan-China Strategic Communications Dynamics under the Belt and Road Initiative: The Case of ‘Third Country Business Cooperation’” (Asian Perspective, Vol. 45, no.3, Summer 2021).

The United States has yet to come up with a v…

Senior Fellow & Group Head, China
Naoko Eto

After a long absence of conciliatory diplomac…

Senior Fellow & Group Head, China
Naoko Eto

Highlights from the inaugural speech / Differ…

Senior Fellow & Group Head, China
Naoko Eto

Senior Fellow & Group Head, China
Naoko Eto

In early November, the British government hos…

Senior Fellow & Group Head, China
Naoko Eto