Experts Kousuke Saito
[Concurrent Position]
Professor, Faculty of Global Studies, Sophia University
Politics of Armaments: The Dynamics of Restraints and the US Policy Choice, (Tokyo: Hakuto-Shobo Publishing Company, 2017 [in Japanese])
“Political Controversy on Dual-Use Technology in Japan: How Have Scientific Research and National Security got Closer?” a chapter in A Phase Angle: Conceptual Approach to Security Debates in Japan (Kyoto: Hōritsu Bunkasha, 2018 [in Japanese])
“The Ambivalence of CFIUS in Balancing Values: A Problem of Innovation Ecosystem for National Security,” (Journal of International Security, vol. 49, no. 1 [in Japanese])

Challenges for American diplomacy stem from t…

Visiting Senior Research Fellow
Kousuke Saito

Do technologies change how democracy works, o…

Visiting Senior Research Fellow
Kousuke Saito

So-called emerging technologies such as artif…

Visiting Senior Research Fellow
Kousuke Saito

It has long been said that technology changes…

Visiting Senior Research Fellow
Kousuke Saito